Saturday, May 5, 2012

Anyone for a trip to CT?

One week from today, I'm running my next race: the 5K River Run for the [James A. Greenleaf, Jr., Memorial Scholarship] in New London, CT. It's been quite the week for failing to get out and run, but my training pace has been pretty good when I have gotten a run squeezed in, and I'm excited to do this fifth race (10% of the way to my goal).

As of this writing, this will be my first race without my own, personal cheering section. My parents have been amazing about coming to all four of my races so far, but this is a bit of a hike and a busy time of year for them, so they'll probably have to skip this one. And yet, it's not so far from RI to New London ... The current weather forecast looks pretty good, and the race location looks lovely. What better way to spend a Saturday, eh? Maybe I can talk a few RI friends into joining me? If not, dear readers, please forgive the low-quality self-photography that is likely to accompany the post-race post.

Meanwhile, I suppose I'd better actually go for a run today. Have I mentioned that this week has been the perfect storm of reasons to procrastinate? Between cold, rainy weather, a generally busy schedule, my exhaustion after last week's ridiculous out-of-town gig (which at least had the redeeming factor of giving me the opportunity to hang out with my sister for a bit, but still totally wore me out), and some other biological factors which I will demurely file under "female," I just have not been able to get myself to run.

Oddly, though, the one time I did run (before lunch on Wednesday), I only took a few steps before my body said, "Finally, you're letting me run!" ... and I managed to maintain one of my better training paces yet. Not that it was all that fast, just that it was a little faster than I usually go.

The website for the Greenleaf run says the course is "picturesque, flat and fast!" [exclamation point theirs], so this could be a pretty good race for me.

Maybe you'll be there to see it?

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